Blackboard & Apples

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Staying Sharp During Tests!

This week third, fourth, and fifth grade public elementary school students in NY are taking their English Language Arts (ELA) state tests.

We have quite a few Speech and OT students who will be taking the state tests and we wanted to provide some additional support to reinforce the test taking tips and strategies their teachers may have taught them. In addition to providing some useful information, we also wanted to lighten up their moods and reduce possible stress.

How did we do this??? 

We made "Test-Taking Survival Kits" with a variety of useful goodies including: sharpened #2 pencils to record their knowledge, erasers to remind them that it's okay to make mistakes, Starburst candy to encourage them that they are stars and should aim high, and a “bookmark” of (hopefully!) helpful tips they can use, not only for the state tests, but for all exams they take.

We reviewed the tips with some students who we saw prior to the tests. The kids even came up with some more of their own tips for each other. However, naturally, the most exciting part of the survival kit for them were the Starburst!

Check out our "Tips to Stay Sharp During a Test!" bookmark in our TPT store.

What other test-taking tips do you find helpful for your students? Let us know in the comments below! 

Note: As per the NYC Department of Education website, “Elementary and middle school students in New York State take yearly State tests in core academic subjects to assess their mastery of the Common Core Learning Standards. Students’ test results are one of the factors that schools use to decide whether to promote a student to the next grade. Educators also analyze students’ test results to help determine which instructional standards to focus on, and to evaluate their programs.”